Monday, April 25, 2005

Genitics and Jesus

You'd never guess that this beautiful young woman is my Mom if I didn't bring it up. She takes very good care of herself and for that I am very proud of her. I hope that she's around for a long time. Come to think of it, she's where I get my good looks, don't you think. So, mother's day is comming up which means another chance to show her how much I love her and it also means that it's time to start the garden. Really what I want to bring up though has to do with a profound though I had while visiting a friend who had just recently given birth to her second child. This baby was so amazing to me and made me realize how fragile life is. Someone once told me that newborns don't understand that they and their mother are two seperate beings. Untill a certain age, mommy and baby are one. I guess it makes sense since they were sharing the same physical space for 9 months. As I was pondering this, I guess it's similar to contemplating my navel, I remembered Jesus words about him and the father. He said that he and his father are one. And that if you want to enter the kingdom you have to become like a child. Wouldn't it be amazing to feel so connected with God that you didn't understand that you are two seperate beings. Who knows, maybe we are more connected with God than we know. What if the westernized God that we worship isn't so disconnected from being part of every part of our being. Maybe east isn't so far away from west. So, to finnish my point, I am who I am and that's how God made me. In his image I shall be. YHWH (I am that I am) is the God of our ancestors and we are made in the image of God. I think that being my mothers son may be a mini version of the metaphore of being a child of God. How cool is that! Maybe that's why [Honor thy mother and Father] is the first commandment with a promise for a long life. As humans, if we can undersand and respect the amazing creative process that God has enabled us to take part in, then maybe we can catch a glimpse of the connection we have with our loving Creator. Posted by Hello


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