Saturday, May 28, 2005


I'm not sure if that's how you spell the word my grandfather always used to say when things seemed to be way out of control, but it will do for now. Rachel and I have recently moved out of our appartment and taken on the responsibility of caring for three young boys. They are ages five, seven and nine and they are wonderful to be with. Rachel and I are learning so much about what it means to do church and to be parents. It's sort of been baptism with fire since last Sunday. We've got some great pictures, but at the moment don't have a way to post them on the internet. I'm working on that at the moment.

We took the boys out to the running trail and they loved it. It was a nature hike for them, and we didn't cover more than two miles, but they were so excited to see so many new flowers and plants and a baby goose and to throw rocks in the river and play in ways that allowed them to get muddy! It's really important that boys are allowed to get muddy from time to time. I think it makes their blood thinner and releases special hormones that keep them saine.

Friday, May 20, 2005

I'm putting up a beautiful photo that I've taken just recently. Everything else in life right now is very crazy. Moving Sale. Temporary Guardianship. Moving to Phoenix. Road Trip. Moving to Forest Park. Finding a Home. Taking in a Stray Cat. Babysitting Tyler Davis. Finnishing Internship. Planning For College. Needing a Job. Loving to Run. Quantum Physics. Sermon on the Mount. Did I mention Brain Overload. Well, not really, just not enough space to adequately communicate all of this information tonight. Good Night! Posted by Hello

Monday, May 16, 2005

Congratulations Ashley!

How can two parents be more proud than to watch their first college graduate recieve her diploma. Way to go Ashley! We're all very proud of you. You are going to be great at what ever you decide to pursue in life because you work hard and have a lot of heart. Blessings to you as you enter this new season in your life. Posted by Hello

Poor Kitty.

Well, this kitten just won't leave us alone so we're going to let him stay. Posted by Hello

Dave and Cliff

Hey Don't these two look friendly. Our new cat Cliff and Dad Paulovich seem to get along pretty well. We we're very happy to have Dave help us move our stuff out to Phoenix. I'm glad we finnished that part of our move. I still can't believe he was willing to spend 76 hours in the car to help us out. Dave, your greatly appreciated! Posted by Hello

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Laurelville Mennonite Camp and Retreat Center

Where ever the Spirit leads. Posted by Hello

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Mom and Trisha

Mothers Day is a time to recognise women like these two right here. Strong hearted women who love their children end up with kid who despite being a royal pain in the butt, turn out to be half way decent. I guess in this life there are no guarantees, but the one thing that is for sure, in our family, is that Love comes from the top down. Thank You God for putting these two into my life. Strengthen them to do the dawnting task of worring about how we will end up. Give them kindness in times of absolute frustration and above all, abounding Joy to make it all worth while. Posted by Hello


Nice, France. Olivier and Eric. Posted by Hello

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Pure Clean Refreshing Water

I think it's so amazing when I'm drinking water to try and understand how light just travels right through the stuff. I know that the creator of the universe is awesome, but the creative genious is beyond my understanding. I am glad though to know that one of the main ingredients for sustaining life comes with a built in purity detector. If it's perfectly clear and doesn't smell funny, generally we can assume that it is good for us. The "see thru" part of it is what really amazes me though. I guess you really have to stare at a glass of water for a while before it starts becoming profound, but what do you expect from me. I've never understood something that I didn't first question. That's why I'm a little slow some times. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Lord of The Rings

Just in case you guys didn't know, one day Rachel and I starred in this really good movie. We were actually in more than one, but you probably already know that. It was just fun to be in hollywood. I hope you liked the sceens where we really kicked butt. Posted by Hello

Body Song in Motion

This Woman is a Power House. My wife really kicks my butt at her Boot Camp. I'm sooo sore today from the past three mornings workouts. She's really making an impact on a lot of peoples lives, lately. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


Sometimes the path I normally follow becomes flooded and I'm forced to find an alternate route. Often these are the times when I find some amazing new discoveries, like the time I found a "Jack in the Pulpit" plant. I had never seen one and it took some research to find out what it was. There are times in my life when I find that one path to God is just not cutting it anymore. I love how I can find so many metaphores as I become more aware of my body and creations wonder. Posted by Hello

Running & Faith

I guess I've found that the one way I seem to be able to integrate Faith and Health is thru Running. It's a time of prayer, meditation and reflection for me. Running is also a time to observe and be thankful for the two most glorious parts of creation, that is, the Human Person and the Rest of the Universe. On the health side, I know that every time I go out and add on a few miles, I'm keeping my heart strong, building capilaries and keeping off unwanted pounds. Anyway, I'm dedicating this site to running and to health and to Jesus Christ whom without none of this would have been made. Stay on the Trail! Posted by Hello

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Reflections on Sabbath

I spent pretty much all of my effort yesterday trying to relax and enjoy a day in the presence of the Lord. Yes, I do find it hard to mentaly remove myself from the nagging thoughts in my head calling me back to just finnish a little more work so that I can really relax. So, I'll start working on how to make better use of my time the other six days of the week. I'll be trying to start out each day with some form of exercise. Actually, I'll be incorporating exercise and spiritual diciplines at the same time. I'm not trying to make more efficient use of my time, rather, I'm seeking to find a place of connectedness within myself from which to begin relating to God on a deeper more powerful level. How great is our Creator to have given us mind, body and spirit and how much more that he can connect with us on every level. Holy Spirit, flow through my veins as I increase oxygen rich blood, nutrients and your power in my life. Posted by Hello